Loving Your Partner Who Struggles With Addiction

Last week I was a guest on a podcast called “The Couple’s Corner” hosted by Katie Lemieux and Susan Block. I was asked to speak about a topic that is very close to my heart – relationships in addiction. Working in the addiction field for over the past four years I got to work with many couples anD families struggling with addiction through the ones they love. This is such a delicate topic because you really have to work on figuring out how to love your partner, and when it is time to let go. One of the most important things that people do not understand is that they have to LOVE their partner if they stay in the relationship and not become their caretaker, supervisor, or criticizer.
When loving someone who is struggling with their addiction you are committing to being somewhat of a “hostage” of their disease. You are fully dependent on them to make the right choice and get clean and that can take a long time. That is why my suggestion to partners is to start taking care of themselves right away and not let themselves becomes hostages of the situation. By taking care of yourself, I mean, start learning about this disease and what it means. Make sure to attend support groups, such as Al-Anon or Nar-Anon. Attend a minimum of 6 DIFFERENT groups before you decide if you like it or not. It is important to join a group that you’ll feel comfortable sharing and opening up to the people attending the meeting. Come a little earlier, and stay a bit after the meeting to interact with people individually. Of course one other things you can do is go to counseling, with or without your partner or even both if possible.