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Goodbye 2017 - Bring it on 2018!

Hello everyone! I’m going to keep today’s blog kind of short and sweet with wishes for an amazing 2018 for all of you. Thank you for being my great supporters and followers. This year the most important thing is to stay healthy. Staying healthy is what gives is the strength and ability for all the other great things in life. Then, wishing you and me lots of happiness, joy, laughter and LOVE. May we reach our aspirations and career goals and beyond. Let’s learn from the past and plan for the future since it’s that time of year again.  Time when we reflect on how this year went for us, and what we would like to see or not see in the following year. I’m not big on making new year resolutions, because I believe we should work towards our goals on a daily base and not just through a decision one time a year. 

I have respect for those people who decides on a new year resolution at the beginning of the year and actually make it their reality. However, I think it is safe to assume that many don’t really stick by it for a long time after making the decision. I do believe in making a vision board of what we plan to have in our lives in the future. Then, working hard toward visualizing it, believing it will happen, and willing to do the hard work to make it happen. 

So what happen in my life in this past year? It was a tough year with many changes and adjustments. I am pleased to say that I learn to balance my life between marriage, having two beautiful and healthy children that I adore, and a private practice career that I dreamed about for years. Initially, it wasn’t easy figuring out the way of being full-time therapist and being a wife and a mother. I felt that I was missing out on a lot of my children development, my connection to my husband and being able to reach my private practice goals. I was spreading myself so thin that I was exhausted and I felt that I could reach a burn out quickly. I was working 12 hour days, making sure I’m the one going to my babies at night and when they wake up and still handling all bills and catering to my husband. Don’t get me wrong, he was catering to me as much. I don’t believe I would have been able to reach this balance of it wasn’t for my amazing husband. He is part of what makes my life so smooth and easy. 

We decided that he would stay home with the kids so I can fully focus on my career. At the same time, he pushed me to cut my case load so I can be there in the morning and for bed time with the kids. He sends me videos and pictures of the kids all day long, and in addition he reminds me how much he loves and adores me any minute of the day. I didn’t predict our love to be so alive and nurturing after 11 years together. It’s truly heartwarming and I feel truly blessed for it!!! Let’s practice gratitude and appreciate what we have in life because it helps us start positive. Use those moments of difficult and make them our opportunities for change and growth. Let go of negativity, negative self talk and toxic people and you’ll already see how your life becomes better. Goodbye 2017, bring it on 2018. It’s going to be a great year, I can see it already. Be blessed!