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What is Freedom to You?

Happy 4th of July, this is what I heard all weekend, even so it is only tomorrow. Don't we love to star our vacation/party mode the earliest possible?? ;) With the upcoming Fourth of July events I find it hard not to think about the meaning of freedom and how it takes different forms for everybody, depending on the stage they are in their life. It brings me to my blog's heading.....What does freedom mean to you?
For me, freedom is about being who you want to be, and not doing anything else different because of others and how they feel about it. Freedom is about being independent, confident, secure, and happy with yourself and where you are in life. I know.... this is much easier said than done. However, it can definitely be done. If we work hard to accomplish our goals, and make sure that we stay committed to them - no matter how hard the journey might be - I believe we can get whatever we put our minds and hard work toward. All my life I believed freedom is a choice, and that we can chose to feel free even within the most confiding situations, because it is all about our mindset. 
 This week I read this post that got me to think a lot about the whole concept I have been living by, when it comes to freedom. It got me to really appreciate how lucky we are to live in a country where we have endless opportunities and resources to be who we are, or become who we would like to be. Unfortunately, other people in the world are not as fortunate as us. Many times I see the news and get overwhelmed by what other people have to go through to survive, and it puts me in a sad mood. Hearing how some girls are being forced to marry adult men as part of their culture, others are being sold as property, and the worst of all is - the growing industry of sex trafficking. I really did not intend to write this post about this topic, but in this day and age when I speak about freedom it's almost inevitable to discuss the cruelty that lies behind this industry of human/sex trafficking. 
This epidemic of human trafficking is a worldwide issue, it does not affect only parts of this world, but all of it. The saddest part is that the judicial system has not caught up to it fast enough to have laws to fight against it. There is definitely more awareness and attempt to fight it, but it has grown so much and so fast that it is hard to battle right now. The last I checked the punishment against trafficking heroin is more sever than if you traffic people. If you would like to read more about it, click here. My prayer is that all the efforts around the world will finally start paying off and things will get better. There is a wonderful initiative that anyone can help fighting this epidemic by taking a picture of their hotel room anywhere they are and upload it to this website. You can find more information about it here. May as many people be freed from this situation as possible, and the fastest possible!!!
I will not end my blog today with such a gloomy feeling thou. We do have what to be grateful for. We do live in the land of the free and we are celebrating our ability to be free and independent tomorrow. That is a reason for celebration! I am celebrating my ability to stay home and raise my daughter, while developing my professional identity and business. I am celebrating my freedom to be who I want to be, and with who I will be today and every day of my life. Doing what you love and surrounding yourself with those who are healthy and positive for you is a gift we all have. Make sure to find out what makes you feel free and make sure to nourish those things and celebrate them. If you feel you are surrounded with negativity, now it is the time to make a change in your life! I am here to help if you need support. Happy 4th of July to you all! May we always be FREE!!