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What to Do if the Pandemic Has Put Stress on Your Relationship

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyone’s lives, at least temporarily. And for many couples, the pandemic has meant living in cramped quarters with no company but each other for a year. Although recovery may finally be in sight, countless couples are still in less than ideal circumstances.

It can be hard to adjust to this lifestyle together. Even couples in healthy relationships have dealt with setbacks and obstacles because of the pandemic. But you can start working towards positive changes today. If you’re ready to create a brighter future for your relationship, despite the challenges presented by this pandemic, these tips can help.

Open Communication

It can be tough to open up about your feelings of frustration. You may feel you have no right to complain at the moment because others are dealing with bigger problems. But trying to brush your own struggles under the rug and hold your tongue when you’re upset can lead to bigger conflicts down the road. Tell your partner what’s on your mind and listen when they vent to you. Sometimes, allowing each other to blow off steam can help you cultivate a happier mindset.

Give Each Other Space

You’ve been stuck at home together for what feels like ages. Maybe the answer to your woes is simply giving each other a little more space. 

Let your partner know when you need some alone time. And if your partner seems irritable, give them the courtesy of having some time and space to themselves. Sometimes, time alone can work wonders for your mood, especially after spending months locked down together.

Head Outdoors

Getting outside the four walls of your home can definitely brighten your day! Try to make time outdoors a regular part of your routine with your partner. With so many places closed, and many group activities still off-limits, it’s all too easy to fall into a routine of simply scrolling through social media or streaming new shows together.

Going outside is one of the safest ways to spend your time and bring some variety into your routine. Even going for daily walks around your neighborhood can perk you up!

Plan for the Future

Chances are, you’ve had to cancel at least a few big plans that you were looking forward to. Perhaps you have postponed a vacation. You might have had to accept that a concert or festival you were both excited about wouldn’t be happening. Maybe you’ve even had to put your wedding on hold.

If this is the case, you’re probably both feeling quite disappointed in the year you just had. But today, you can begin making plans for the future. Even if those plans are outdoor excursions for the weekends, having something on your calendar can make you feel more optimistic.

Broaden Your Support System

During this pandemic, you may feel like your social circle has shrunk. Maybe you have not been able to see your parents or grandparents out of caution, or maybe you’ve realized that it’s been a year since you’ve spent time with your close friends in person. If so, you have probably been depending on your partner for all your emotional needs.

But this is the perfect time to broaden your support system and get back in touch with your social circle. Call up a friend and make plans for a future date or meet up with a relative for an outdoor picnic. By expanding your support system, you and your partner can take the pressure off of each other.

Are you and your partner struggling to navigate the pandemic together? Relationship therapy can give you the space you need to work through it. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.