D'haysa Francois, Front Office
Greetings! I am D’haysa Jolie Francois, front office representative at Helping Moon Counseling. I am extremely passionate about creative writing, acting, public speaking, healing, baking and art. I studied Psychology at Florida A & M University and I have been certified as a grief facilitator through Tomorrow's Rainbow, Inc. to work with children dealing with grief, loss, and trauma. Growing up, I experienced horrific past trauma, myself, that exposed me to domestic violence, family issues, child abuse, and more. For many years, I have partaken in prayer, journaling, therapy, mentorship, and peer counseling to guide me on my healing journey. Being the eldest of nine children sparked my role in leadership and wanting to heal myself so that I can heal my siblings and family. I have joined many cultural organizations, support groups, and sisterhoods to help build my definition of purpose. My purpose is to provide healing and guidance to children through my presence, children stories, acting, Read-A-Loud’s, speeches, fun desserts, and art.
Here, at Helping Moon Counseling, I will be the first person you speak to when you call. I will be here to listen to what you are looking for so I can match you up with the right person on the team. I feel I am also continuing my journey with the knowledge, wisdom, guidance and support I gain from our wonderful owners, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Student Interns, and Office Staff. I believe that life gives divine timing and order towards healing and our desires. Here is a quote of mine that has always turned on my light; “Every step is another step closer to the next phase of your journey. Not all days will be sunshine and not all days will be rain. Not all days will you be skipping, not all days will you step through pain. Yet with each step embrace your trail and embrace your gains, for you have not remained the same.”