Thankful Through Hart Times
Hey everyone! This blog is way overdue and I decided to take the time to write it today of all days because for me – Thanksgiving is about expressing gratitude. Thanksgiving is about being grateful for what we have in our lives. Thanksgiving is about the gift of giving (and buying excessively the next day LOL). Being able to do the job that I do and touching people’s heart it’s something I’m very grateful for. Hence, I am thankful for anybody reading this post or sharing it with somebody they think would benefit from reading it.
The past year was an extremely difficult one for the community of Parkland and the surrounding community of South Florida. I know many hearts are heavy today because they don’t get to have one of their love ones sitting in their table. Many of those, are teenagers who got murdered way before their time, and that really saddens me. I’m sending healing and loving energies to those people and hoping this day will pass as smoothly and peacefully as possible. It’s important to share your pain and talk about it with somebody you feel comfortable with. If you don’t have somebody like that in your life, please make sure to contact a professional who can serve that purpose for you and help you get through the difficult times of the holidays.
The only part I am grateful for after this experience – is that I learned through it how much difference can happen thanks to a community of people who care and are willing to make a difference. I got to see the strength of my profession and people coming together to help. We formed an amazing organization that is now a nonprofit 501(C)(3) called Professionals United for Parkland (PU4P). I got to know the board members better, and together we are creating more opportunities for healing and support for the community. I am thankful for is the fact that God has given me the opportunity to serve the community, to the best of my ability, and offer healing to those around me. I am thankful for my amazing husband who is the best father in the world and the best business partner I could’ve ever asked for. Creating the life we are always dreaming about slowly (and surely), but together, stronger every step of the way. If it wasn’t for my husband, I wouldn’t be available to support the community in the way that I have. I’m thankful for the two amazing children we brought to the world. They bring so much laughter, Joy and happiness to our life in an endless, selfless and unconditional love. I am thankful for my mom, who is one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met. She taught me how to be that way myself. She had been an amazing support for me, my family and many other families.
I feel truly blessed for all the people I have in my life. I am thankful for the Facebook groups and the people I’ve met through them. Many of the colleagues became good friends that I will cherish forever. May we all continue being facilitators of changed and healing for the community around us. I feel blessed that I got to have so many amazing mentors through my personal and professional life. If you wasn’t for the social worker who helped me as a child, who knows if I would’ve chosen a different profession. I had amazing teachers throughout my life, who taught me leadership, compassion, empathy, selflessness, enthusiasm, and always thriving for helping in the best way. Remember that even if you feel as if there’s nothing to be thankful for and times are hard make an effort to look at the good things you have in life and focus on those as much as you can. Be mindful of appreciating the little things in life that can mean so much more if you allow yourself to notice them and focused on them. Unfortunately, suffering is part of life and when we accept that and use difficult times as opportunities for growth we are able to deal with them in a more positive and helpful ways.